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Aaron Wese Tigaa

Aaron Wese Tigaa


MPhil Blue Economy, Governance and Social Resilience

2022/2023 Academic Year


I am AARON WESE TIGAA from Ghana, West Africa. I completed by bachelor’s degree programme from the University of Cape Coast in 2018 and awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree in Population and Health. I am currently on the ACECoR Programme reading an MPhil. In Blue Economy, Governance, and Social Resilience. I developed interest in the Blue Economy after I was exposed to the coastal zones and also through the exposure I got from some courses I took in Geography during my bachelor’s degree studies. The economic value and social inclusion benefits of the blue economy and how exploitation can be done sustainably drew my attention to the environment and gave me the edge to want to acquire more knowledge and expertise in the area, so as to also pitch in my quota.


Last modified Ter, 2025-02-11 16:47