Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
ACECoR’s PhD programmes are designed as 36-month intensive full-time research programmes. Students in the
programme spend 24 months on field research and data collection and 12 months for organising and writing their
thesis, including attending relevant seminars and conferences to gain critical knowledge and/or present preliminary research results.
PhD Integrated Coastal Zone Management
West Africa’s coastal areas are home to about one-third of the sub-region’s population.
PhD Oceanography and Limnology
The PhD in Oceanography and Limnology is designed to train highly qualified professionals who wil
PhD Fisheries Science
The fisheries sector is important in the economies of many developing countries.
Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
The ACECoR MPhil programmes are designed as intensive modular programmes with a research component.
Students admitted to the programmes spend a 12-month period of learning on course modules and another 12 months on research.
MPhil Blue Econpomy, Governance and Social Resilience
Objectives of the Programme
The objectives of the programme are to:
MPhil Blue Economy, Governance and Social Resilience
Objectives of the Programme
The objectives of the programme are to:
MPhil Integrated Coastal Zone Management
West Africa’s coastal areas are home to about one-third of the sub-region’s population.
MPhil Oceanography and Limnology
The MPhil in Oceanography and Limnology is geared towards training qualified limnologists and oce
MPhil Fisheries Science
The importance of the fisheries sector in the economy of many developing countries cannot be over
Short Courses
ACECoR runs short courses covering technical and relevant contextual aspects for Ghana’s coastal areas. The courses target professionals actively engaged in the field of integrated coastal management, fisheries management, climate change adaptation and geographic information systems or individuals whose work is increasingly affected by issues of fisheries, development and physical planning in coastal areas. The course is organized over a period of one week where standardized technical delivery in the classroom and field activities, course programs, certifications and other outcomes are ensured.
Marine Litter Training Programme
Through addressing marine pollution challenges, the OCPP hopes to support the collection and interpretation of enviro
Intermediate Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Intermediate Geographic Information Systems
The course is designed to build on the Introductory G
Multiple Stressors in Tropical Marine Environments
Coastal marine ecosystems are threatened by multiple human-induced stressors, ranging from global
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Coastal Areas
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Coastal Areas
The course advances participa
Introductory Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Introductory Geographic Information Systems
The aim is to enhance the geospatial analyt
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
Integrated Coastal Zone Management
The ICZM course is designed to equip professionals,
Fisheries Management
Fisheries Management
The Fisheries Management Course provides detailed knowledge and sk