Contact Info
Phone: +233 54 924 3079
Email: emmanuel.acheampong@ucc.edu.gh
Dr. Emmanuel Acheampong
Data Hub and Information Systems Manager
Data Hub and Information Systems Manager at ACECoR
PhD, Natural Science, University of Hamburg
Ecological Modelling
Coastal Resource Management
Diversity of biological functional groups of freshwater bodies
Open Sea Biomes
Biological functional groups of the open sea
Research methods[8] and scientific writing
Literature search on current research and publications
Dr. Emmanuel Acheampong holds a PhD. In Natural Science from the University of Hamburg in Germany. He was a senior research fellow for five years – from August, 2007 to December, 2012 – at the Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN), Hamburg, Germany. CEN is a multi-disciplinary centre made of seven different institutions with diverse expertise ranging from Fisheries Sciences and Oceanography through to Geology, History, Systems Analysis, Communication Science and Global Change Governance. Dr. Acheampong was with the Biological Oceanography section of CEN. His post-doctoral research was part of two international (European Union-funded) programmes (MEECE – Marine Ecosystem Evolution in a Changing Environment, and EUROBASIN – European Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis and Integration) to resolve the impact of climatic processes on marine ecosystems and their services. Currently, Dr. Acheampong is a lecturer at the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses including Oceanography, Coastal Zone Management and Environmental Statistics and Modelling.
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