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Phone: +233240336050
Dr. Michael Miyittah
Research Theme Lead
Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services
PhD, Soil and Water Sciences with Environmental Engineering, University of Florida
MSc, Soil and Water Sciences, University of Florida
MPhil, Environmental Science, Chiba University
BSc, Agricultural Science (Soil Science), University of Ghana
Environmental Chemistry and Nutrient Cycling
Nutrients and pesticides
Dr. Michael Miyittah has multidisciplinary background in Agriculture, Environmental Science, Soil and Water Science, Environmental Engineering and Toxicology. He was a Postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Environmental & Human Toxicology, 2010 at the University of Florida, USA. He obtained his PhD in Soil and Water Sciences with Environmental Engineering, 2009 from the University of Florida, USA; Master’s degree in Soil and Water Sciences, 2004, University of Florida, USA and MPhil (2002) in Environmental Science, Chiba University, Japan; his BSc in Agricultural Science (Soil Science), 1993, at the University of Ghana, Legon. Currently, he is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Environmental Science. He is a member of Editorial boards of scientific journals and reviewer of several international journals. In addition, he is an external examiner for MPhil/PhD candidates for Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana and the University of Ghana, Legon. Dr. Miyittah has examined over 20 Postgraduate students’ theses, has published over 20 articles and supervised over 60 postgraduate and undergraduate students’ theses and projects work. Dr. Miyittah has a passion for postgraduate training. His philosophy is “the process defines your functionality”. He believes, students must go through the right process in order to be an instrument of change for the future. In 2013, he was awarded a fellowship to Germany on Spatial Ecotoxicology & Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment, University of Koblenz-Landau. In 2015-2017, he was selected as part of the international team of experts on Global Phosphorus Sustainability/Arizona State University, USA. In May 2010, during the BP Gulf Oil Spill disaster, Dr. Miyittah was part of the toxicology consultant team for the Department of Health, the State of Florida, USA, to address clean-up strategies for the Coastal-Marine Ecosystem and the risk associated with the oil spill. He has wide expertise in Nutrients Management in the Ecosystem; Pollution Control in Soil & Water Systems and in Ecological Systems, Soil Chemistry; Human Health and Ecological Toxicology; Risk Assessment; Environmental Management and Ecosystem Services. Dr. Miyittah is the theme lead for Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity for the ACECoR.
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