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Eunice -Nuerkie-Ofoli-Anum

Eunice Nuerkie Ofoli-Anum


PhD Integrated Coastal Zone Management

2020/2021 Academic Year

Eunice Nuerkie Ofoli-Anum is my name, I am a Ghanaian from the Eastern region. I hold a Post Graduate Certificate in Ocean Mapping and Category A Course in Hydrography from the Coastal and Ocean Mapping and Joint Hydrographic Center, University of New Hampshire, USA; a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree in Oceanography and a Bachelor of Science (Zoology) degree, both from the University of Ghana.

I had training in several short courses which include: Multiple stressors in the tropical marine environment, Climate change, Quality management of fish handling and processing, Fisheries governance, Managing waste disposal and water quality using the ecosystem-based approach, Monitoring and assessing data – and capacity – poor fisheries in the context of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries, and Remote.

I am currently with the Fisheries Commission of Ghana with the Environment and Oceanography section where the health of the coastal and marine environment is my main priority. I am familiar with the monitoring of key environmental parameters in the coastal waters of Ghana in situ, or through remote sensing and once a while via fishing survey using Dr Fridtjof Nansen research vessel.

I am a PhD candidate with the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Programme, at the World Bank Africa Center of Excellence in Coastal Resilience under the Center for Coastal Management, University of Cape Coast. I have a keen interest in coastal and marine ecosystem issues such as marine pollution and coastal degradation as well as their impacts on dwindling fish stocks.

Last modified Fri, 04/16/2021 - 17:42