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The importance of the Gulf of Guinea (GOG) coastal ecosystem to socio-economic development is widely recognised because of its vast resources; however, the health of the coastal water is increasingly in jeopardy because of rapid intensification of human activities (Scheren and Ibe, 2002). Pollution from this source affects the waters of the Gulf of Guinea and natural living resources therein, which depend on clean water for their survival. Environmental degradation, including habitat destruction, loss of biological diversity and degenerating human health are among the major impacts. These situations affect long-life marine animals like sharks. Contemporary sharks inhabit coastal, demersal, and pelagic habitats in all oceans (Compagno, 1990). While most species are limited to the continental shelves, there is a small number of fully oceanic species (e.g. blue, oceanic whitetip, mako), and a larger count that migrates between coastal and oceanic waters. Through their movements and diets, sharks accumulate trace elements in their tissues such as mercury (Hg), arsenic (As) and lead (Pb). This proposed research is aimed at using heavy metal concentration and Stable isotope signature in Carcharhinid shark, to establish marine pollution index for the Gulf of Guinea.

  • To identify Carcharhinid population present along the Gulf of Guinea.
  • To establish baseline inventories of stable isotopes (carbon, sulfur, hydrogen and oxygen, nitrogen), chemical parameters (physicochemical, heavy metal) in the Gulf of Guinea marine waters for pollution monitoring.
  • To determine heavy metal pollution source in the Gulf of Guinea marine waters.
  • To determine heavy metal exchange between ecosystems.
  • To assess heavy metal pollution level using stable isotope signature in shark for pollution index in the Gulf of Guinea.