Sectoral Partners Meeting
The World Bank Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience (ACECoR) organised a meeting with Sectoral Partners on 20th March 2019 in Accra, Ghana, to present the project and discuss possible areas of collaboration. This was to enlighten the partners present at the meeting on the various post-graduate programmes as well as the thematic areas of research earmarked for impact in West Africa within the lifetime of the Project. "The proposed vision is to promote coastal resilience within the sub-Region, through collaboration with industry, private and public sectors, locally and internationally," said the Prof. Aheto whilst explaining the rationale of the proposal submitted to the World Bank for the award of the ACECoR Project. This vision, he said, could not be achieved solely by the academicians.
Read the full story at https://acecor.ucc.edu.gh/acecor-engages-sectoral-partners-opportunities-collaboration.