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The University of Cape Coast is committed to an equal opportunities policy as outlined in its Mission Statement. This means that all individuals working and studying at the University are treated fairly and impartially, regardless of sex, age, ethnicity, physical/mental abilities, sexual orientation, religion or creed. It is within this context that the University of Cape Coast considers the occurrence of sexual harassment to be an issue for particular attention. The University of Cape Coast recognizes that sexual harassment undermines the integrity of the society and the workplace because it focuses on the recipient’s sexuality instead of on his or her talents, intellect and abilities. The University of Cape Coast will not tolerate sexual harassment and will take steps to ensure that it does not occur. If it does occur, the sufferers should be free to seek redress without fear of reprisal.

This document governs the University’s response in the event of a complaint of sexual harassment. The Sexual Harassment Policy presented here applies to all members of the University; staff, students and university guests.

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ACECoR_Sexual Harassment Policy_2019_0.pdf 289.2 Ko
Dernière modification
Vendredi 16 avril 2021 - 17:36