Prof. John Blay
Professor John Blay studied at the University of Cape Coast where he obtained a Bachelor of Science (Education) degree in 1973, a Bachelor of Science (Honours ) degree in Zoology in 1975, and a Master of Science degree in 1977. He acquired a PhD degree in Zoology from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria in 1986. He is a retired Professor of Zoology with specialization in Fisheries Science; he also works in the areas of Integrated Coastal Management, Aquaculture and Freshwater Ecology. He was a Fellow of the Association of Commonwealth Universities at the National Aquatic Resources Agency, Sri Lanka in 1990, a Research Fellow of the Commonwealth Universities at the University College of North Wales, Bangor in 1994-1995, a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholar at the Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Germany in 1997, and a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Delaware, USA in 2003. Prof. Blay has trained 15 doctoral and 25 master’s students. He was twice awarded a citation from the School of Graduate Studies of the University of Cape Coast for dedicated graduate (PhD) research supervision. He has 43 scientific articles some of which can be found in the following journals- Aquaculture, Journal of Fish Biology, Journal of Applied Ichthyology, Malacologia, Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Tropical Ecology, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Ghana Journal of Science, West African Journal of Applied Ecology, African Journal of Aquatic Science, Wetlands, Marine Ecology and Marine Biology. He has also served as a reviewer for Journal of Fish Biology, Ocean and Coastal Management, Discovery and Innovation, Ghana Journal of Science, among others. He is presently a member of the Scientific and Technical Working Group of the Fisheries Commission of Ghana/Coastal Resources Centre (The University of Rhode Island).