Mr. Jacob Ainoo-Ansah
Mr. Jacob Ainoo-Ansah holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree in Biochemistry from the University of Science and Technology, Kumasi in 1982, a Master of Business Leadership (MBL) from University of South Africa in 2006 and awaiting an award of Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) from SBS Swiss Business School. Mr. Jacob Ainoo-Ansah is an institutional and enterprise development consultant with expertise in strategic planning, institutional management, entrepreneurship and business development. From 1987 he worked with national and international organisations and managed several business development and employment generation projects of the National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI), EMPRETEC Ghana Foundation, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), International Labour Organisation (ILO), United Nations Industrial and Development Organisations (UNIDO), International Finance Corporation (IFC), Enterprise Africa, FACET of the Netherlands and the British Council among others. In 2015, Mr. Ainoo-Ansah was contracted by the UNDP to undertake the Human Resource Analysis and restructuring of the Electoral Commission of Ghana. From 2015 to 2017, he was contracted by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, UK, to design and conduct Training of Trainers for Information Management Cluster Officers of Parliament of Ghana. In 2017, he prepared a business plan for the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (DFAS), University of Cape Coast (UCC). Mr. Ainoo-Ansah is the founder of Ainoo-Ansah Farms Ltd. (AAF) which has collaborations with three Universities in Ghana including UCC and Stellenbosch University of South Africa. AAF together with UCC produced and published a manual on Tilapia culture and the content is currently online. Through another company he foundered, Pinnacle Business Link Ltd., he designed and facilitated Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) training programmes in other African countries including, South Africa, Botswana, Ethiopia and Sierra Leone, Zambia, Malawi in collaboration with other organisations such as Enterprise Africa and the IFC of the World Bank. A major SME assignment was the design and installation of the Business model and operational manuals for the Local Enterprises Authority (LEA) of Botswana. He has also provided training and consultancy services to many private companies in Ghana through the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI). Mr. Ainoo-Ansah was a Board Member at Water Research Institute from 2013 to 2017, Board Member of the Ministerial Advisory Board Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development (MOFAD) from 2013 to 2016, Steering Committee Member of Fishgov. AU-IBAR, Nairobi from 2015 to date, and National Chairman of Ghana Aquaculture from 2012 to 2016. Mr. Ainoo-Ansah has participated and presented papers at International Conferences on fish farming in Brazil, Cameroon, China, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal, and South Africa.